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7 Mistakes When Tying Your BJJ Belt

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One of the hardest tasks to accomplish when starting in BJJ is learning and memorizing how to tie your Jiu-Jitsu belt. Many steps are unique enough to make a difference, but similar enough to get confused. Here are a few mistakes that new grapplers make when tying their BJJ belt

tie jiu jitsu belts, tying bjj belt

Here is a video on how to tie your BJJ properly:

Common Mistakes People Make When Tying BJJ Belt

  1. They do not even out their belt before tying:

    It is important to make sure that your Jiu-Jitsu belt is even on both sides before tying it around your waist.

    To ensure this, grab the belt as close to the center as possible and let both ends hang. If one end is longer than the other, adjust to ensure that the belt is even, and then continue to tie your belt.

  2. They begin from the back:

    Many people struggle with the idea that you are supposed to wrap the belt around your waist from the front before you bring it around from behind you.

    If you start the wrap from the back of your body, your belt will be long and loose. It won’t take long for your belt to fall off.

  3. Their belt is too small:

    One of the most common mistakes people make when tying their belts knot is not having the correct size.

    Too small of a Gi belt and you won’t be able to tie it properly. Too big of a belt and it will hang down to your knees! This will allow opponents to gain advantageous positions such as worm guard. It is important to look at measurement tables to ensure that your belt fits you just right.

    A well-fitted belt ensures that your kimono stays on and you look good on the mat.


Steps To Tie A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt (Properly)

Tying the perfect knot can be very difficult for a beginner in the sport of Jiu-Jitsu. Here are the core steps to follow when attempting to tie your BJJ belt.

tying bjj belt, tie a jiu jitsu
  1. Wrap:

    To begin, hold your belt with both hands in front of you. Your hands should be about a foot apart in length. Make sure both sides of your belt are hanging at equal length.

    Then you have to wrap your Kimono properly. To do this, take the left collar and place it against your body.

    Follow the left one with the right collar and use one of your hands to keep them from falling apart.

    Finally, wrap your belt around your body. As your hands meet in the back, cross your belt and switch each end to the opposite hand. You should then pull tight in front of you to keep the tension in the belt. Failure to pull during this step will lead to a looser belt. You don’t want to have to retie your belt mid-roll

  2. Tie:

    Take the right part of your BJJ belt and cross it over the left. Then, loop the right end under both layers of the belt and pull the end through. Tug the tail end of each side of the belt to ensure there is no slack.

  3. Knot:

    The ending knot is the simplest part of the whole process. Once you have made sure your kimono is worn properly, the belt is at equal length, and you have gone through the wrapping, and looping process, you are finally ready to tie your Jiu-Jitsu belt.

    The last step is to simply tie your belt as you would tie a shoelace; the left end wraps over and loops under the right end and boom! You have stopped the worm guard player from grabbing hold of your Kimono!

Best BJJ Knots for All Purposes

Standard Variation Knot

stndard knot

The standard variation knot is the core method of how to tie a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt.

Once you get the hang of tying your belt this way, you will be able to get that knot back on in less than 10 seconds after it falls off.

This knot will allow you to stay focused on the enemy instead of your attire during your matches.

The Pro Way To Tie a Belt

Close Up Of A Bjj Brown Belt Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Jujitsu,  Belt, Brown - iStock

One of the different methods of tying your belt is known as the water knot.

This method tucks the tail ends of your belt in between the wrap you made in step 1. This method decreases the amount of untied belts and ensures that you create a stronger, tighter knot.

Whether you are trying the basic way of tying your belt or attempting the super lock it can be a struggle to understand and memorize how to tie your Jiu-Jitsu belt properly.

Although it can be tough, all you need is practice. It only takes a few weeks to memorize the first method and it can be used across to tie your belt in any grappling combat sport!

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I just started, how do I get my white belt?

Typically, a white belt will come with a Gi that you can buy at your local gym. If not, you can buy your BJJ belt online, at tournaments, or in stores.

Do I train No-Gi or Gi? What should I always bring to the gym?

If you are trying to be a master in the martial arts community, you should be able to compete and teach at a high level in both Gi and No-Gi. Jiu-Jitsu consists of both so to master the sport as a whole, you must learn both styles.

When training Gi, you should always be equipped with your BJJ belt, Kimono, rash guard, and mouth guard. When you are practicing No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu, bring your Rash guard, BJJ shorts, and a mouth guard

Can I use an old belt from karate or judo for BJJ?

Karate belts tend to be thinner, cheaper, and lower quality compared to Judo and Jiu-Jitsu belts. BJJ and Judo belts can be interchanged as long as the color stays consistent with your ranking.

What is the best way to tie martial arts belts?

For grappling martial arts such as Jiu-Jitsu, it may be worth looking into the water knot. Not only will it ensure that your belt will stay tied, but it objectively looks sharper and more formal.

As for other martial arts such as karate, there is just as much reason to learn the water knot as well.

With all of the movement in your upper and lower body, the belt on your waist is almost guaranteed to come off.

What are other names for the same belt knots?

There are a few ways to tie a Jiu-Jitsu belt. Each method has a few names they go by.

For instance, the standard belt knot is known to be the basic way of tying your belt and can be seen as proper etiquette by some.

Other names given to this tie are the granny knot (which is ironic due to the way a practitioner can tie their belt quickly using this method) and the square knot, which makes sense due to the shape of the knot after being tied.

As for the different methods of tying your belt, the “Pro way”, can be referenced as the water knot, the double water knot, or the unbreakable knot due to its strength and security.

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