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What Should I Wear To Jiu-Jitsu Class?

what to wear to jiu jitsu, brazilina jiu jitsu, jiu jitsu gi

You have finally decided to take the leap and try out your first Brazilian jiu-jitsu class, congratulations! You are taking a step that you should feel proud of and hopefully embarking on a journey filled with new friends and experiences. With it being your first jiu-jitsu class, you may be wondering “What should I wear to jiu-jitsu?”

In this post we have you covered from head to toe!

what to wear to jiu jitsu, brazilina jiu jitsu, jiu jitsu gi

What to Wear to Jiu-Jitsu

Okay, first things first, you should ask your professor for the schedule to know which class you are showing up to. At this point, it is best to show up for a beginner class where there is more focus on technique over live drilling.

After you know which class you will be going to, it will be important to know if you are training Gi or No-Gi. Once you know which style you will be training and what time the beginner class is, show up for a good time and a bunch of learning.

If you do not have a gi, do not worry, most gyms have extra Gi’s for you to rent and train in for that session. If you want to show up prepared you can go to Amazon and get a Gi for pretty cheap (budget-friendly gear). The best budget-friendly Gi to get is from Elite Sports.

Come prepared with athletic clothing on, this can include grappling shorts (without pockets and zippers), spats or leggings, a tight training shirt like a rash guard, and any braces that you may have (if you need them).

Essential Jiu-Jitsu Equipment

I have been training for a good amount of time now and have complied a list of things I would deem as essential items that you will need when you decide to train. These items are just external things. It should go without saying that nutrition is very important when you start to train regularly or if you are a Warrior Program Student. Be sure to eat like amounts of food and come hydrated.

Here are 9 items that you will need to train jiu-jitsu:

  1. Gi

  2. Rash Guards

  3. Spats

  4. Water Bottle

  5. Headgear (for prevention of cauliflower ear)

  6. Knee sleeves or braces

  7. Grappling shorts (if a no-gi class)

  8. Mouth guard *optional

  9. Training bag

If you have these 9 items you will be set. It is advised (as you get more into the sport) to have multiple sets of gis, rashguards, spats, and shorts. Washing your gear is mandatory for you to step foot on the mats.

We take hygiene very seriously and do not want anyone getting any kind of infection of fungus while training on the mats.

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bjj training, first class of bjj gi

What to Wear for Gi Class?

Now, you are coming to a beginner gi class and you are wondering what you should wear. To a BJJ class that is training in the gi you will need the following items:

  1. Gi and Gi Pants

  2. Training Bag

  3. Water bottle

  4. BJJ belt

  5. Spats *optional

  6. Training Bag

Typically, I do not like training jiu-jitsu without spats on because I personally just don’t like touching my sweaty skin on someone else’s, it is not appealing to me. Wearing spats can help prevent skin infections as well but the choice is yours at the end of the day. In the gi class, your Brazilian jiu-jitsu gi is the most important item to bring.

Having one that fits right to your body (as well. as having multiple to rotate through) will be crucial as you begin to train more frequently.

No Gi

Now, you are coming to your first no-gi class and are curious about what to bring. Here is exactly what you should bring to no-gi BJJ classes:

  • Grappling Shorts

  • Rash Guards

  • Spats *optional

  • Water bottle

  • Training Bag

In nogi jiu-jitsu, you will have a lighter load than if you are training jiu-jitsu in the gi.

What if I Don’t Want to Wear Jiu Jitsu Gear to My First Class?

Well, if you decide to go against my advice and want to wear whatever clothing you’d like you are more than welcome to but I cannot guarantee a pleasurable experience. When people come in and train in loose-fitting cotton t-shirts they always end up either ripped or stretched out. You don’t want that do you?

Not to mention cotton clothing is not moisture-wicking, it is much easier to get irritated skin when you are rubbing up against cotton while being sweaty. No fun.

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People Also Asked

Can I Rent BJJ Gear as a Beginner?

Yes, most gyms (ours included) will have gis available for rent and purchase. If you plan on being more consistent with training getting a set of Gi’s is going to be a huge time saver for you.

What are the Best BJJ GIs for Beginners?

The best gi for a beginner is the ones over at Elite Sports. They are really cheap compared to everything else on the market, super accessible, and make the investment light just in case you are unsure if you want to continue with BJJ.

What do females wear under Gi?

We have an entire article dedicated to answering this question here. Females should wear sports bras and a rash guard under their gi. If you want to just wear an athletic top (because you do not have rahs guards yet) that is totally fine as well.

What do you wear under gi pants?

Personally, we wear athletic underwear (compression shorts) and spats. You cannot go wrong with either of these options. Free-balling or going commando is not acceptable.

What should I expect for my first BJJ class?

Go in with an open mind and be ready to learn. It is normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at first being the new person on the mats but I promise that most people there ae super friendly. Be sure to let people know it is your first day and they will teach you a couple of pointers that they know. The only way you really learn is by sticking around, be sure to build a habit of coming to class!

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