Natural Soap bars need to be in your shower TODAY! Have you checked the labels of the soap that you use on your body lately? GROSS!
Look we get it, keeping up with all the messiness of life makes it difficult to sit down and stare at the label of something that sits in our shower 100% of the time but let me go ahead and help you out, if I may. What you are putting on your body is no better than toxic sludge with perfumes to make us smell nice!
Nothing wrong with smelling nice (we actually prefer that for you) but at some point enough is enough with the compromise.
Here at Grapplers Graveyard, we have crafted the perfect soap bar that is not only healthy for the skin but chalked filled with essential oils and organic ingredients.
This soap is for people with sensitive skin or someone who just wants a casual hook-up with a newcomer in town! It’s seriously so easy to buy this soap, just go ahead and give it a try!
What’s Wrong With Traditional Soap Bars? Are They Toxic?
Look we have nothing wrong with the other soap bar companies, we just believe our products are made better. Artificial fragrances and scents typically make up those things and we like to stay clear of anything these days that isn’t natural.
No, most companies are not toxic (like our ex) but it is important to see what’s under the hood before committing to a long-term relationship with your buddy that sits behind a curtain all-day (talking to you Old Spice). At least with our soap, the ingredients list is so small you could fit in a tiny index card (we’re not kidding go check it out for yourself).
Support Small Businesses
Grapplers Graveyard is a small (but mighty) business we built with the intention to helping the world improve through a martial art that changed our lives, Brazilian jiu-jitsu. If you haven’t given it a try I would empower to at least take on a trail class.
Women, men, and children LOVE Brazilian jiu-jitsu, maybe that’s why it is the fastest-growing martial art in the United States. We are not one really to promote or brag about the things we are building so it would mean the world if you checked out our products!
If you don’t like it, no worries, leave a review and let us know where we messed up! Our formula will be battle-tested for everyone’s needs!

Traits Of A “Good” Natural Soap Bar
Good soap should be easy.
The smaller the ingredient list and the easier it is to actually pronounce what makes up the soap are ALL THAT YOU NEED! You would think these large companies would get the memo but no, well, more health-conscious people for us then!
Filthy Animal Natural Soap Bars
Filthy Animal Soap is our baby, we love it dearly and will never go back to using anything other than natural soap. Healthy skin makes life more enjoyable. Help out a small business today and wash with Filthy animal soap!