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Cold plunging is all the craze right now. Are you on the fence? Or maybe you are just doing your research on the practice to see if it is right for you. Wherever you are, the optimal temperature for a cold plunge plays a huge role in your reaping the benefits of the practice but how cold is too cold for a cold plunge? Believe it or not, there is such a thing! Let’s examine further.

How Cold is Too Cold For A Cold Plunge?
Believe it or not, there is a temperature that is too cold for cold plunging. First off, most cold plunges (that are worth the purchase in the first place) will come with a pretty high-grade chiller that has the capability of taking water temperatures as down as 33°F – 35°F. Just because the temperature range can go down to these close-to-freezing temperatures does not mean that you should be cold-plunging at these cold temperatures.
The ideal range for the water of a cold plunge is between 45°F and 55°F, anything below this could be considered too cold. While some of you out there will be able to handle colder temperatures, most beginners will not be able to handle them.
Cold exposure is best for your body when you right at the line of discomfort, you do not need to go into super cold water to reap the benefits, your body will be able to reap the benefits of cold plunging right between the optimal range.
The Ideal Temperature Range for Cold Plunges
The ideal temperature range for a cold plunge is between 45°F and 55°F for most people. Anything below 60°F is not going to get you the results you are looking for and anything below these temperature ranges might increase the risks associated with the practice.
You can work your way to colder temperatures. You do not need to start at the coldest temperature. You need to find the right temperature for you so that you can build a consistent practice and ideally reap the long-term benefits of cold plunging.
Start off at the ideal temperature range and work your way colder if you can!

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Temperature
Here are some things to consider when trying to choose your cold plunge temperature:
Have you ever cold plunged before?
What can your body handle? (If you can’t even handle a 30-second cold shower start on the higher side of the range)
Having your own dedicated cold plunge tub is such a blessing since you have the choice of the temperature of the water and can build up a tolerance to the cold over time. As you build a cold tolerance, adjust the water temperature to one that challenges your body without pushing way past your limits.
Listen to your body at the end of the day. You started this practice to reap the benefits of cold water immersion in the first place, the last thing you want to do is jeopardize that.
Find the top rated cold plunges here. In depth reviews and commentary on the best cold plunge devices on the market. Find exclusive discounts and much more.
Balancing Benefits and Risks
It is on you to find the balance between the risks and benefits of cold plunging. We have had serious results from adding the practice to our everyday lives. Plunging in many ways has made us better athletes on the mats.
Cold plunging is a mental and physical way to push yourself in the recovery process from intense workouts. Whether you are a runner, biker, boxer, football player, or basketball player, a simple ice bath routine can drastically impact you in a positive way.

Cold Plunge For Beginners
If you are new to the practice of cold plunging we have you entirely covered. Grapplers Graveyard is the #1 source for all things related to cold plunging, cold therapy, and athletic recovery. Find all the information we have on cold plunge here.
How to Prepare for Your First Ice Bath
The best way to prepare for your first plunge is by understanding that you will be pushed both mentally and physically by the practice. Do not think that this will be easy, if it is, you are not doing it right.
First things first, you need an ice bath or cold plunge that has a high flow rate so you can maximize the outcome of the submersion. If you plunge in a tub with little to no flow rate, you will build up a thermal layer that keeps your body warm which in turn nullifies the practice.
Here is how you can prepare:
Prepare mentally
Set a timer and put on some soothing music
When you get into the water, submerge your body as fast as you can all the way up to your neck
Step two will cause you to be shocked and put your body into fight or flight mode, at this stage you may start breathing very fast. Slow your breath down and focus on getting that controlled
Wait for the timer to go off and allow your body to slowly warm-up
*Bonus* When you submerge your body, dunk your head to get used to the water faster this is a pro-tip
Build Your Cold Tolerance
Nothing works if you do not stick with it over a period of time and cold plunges are no different. You need to build up the consistency that is needed to get the most out of the practice, The best way to do this is to have your own dedicated tub right at home.
Over time, you may start to build a tolerance to the cold water temperatures that you find yourself submerged in, this is normal and should be expected, it means you grew from your original starting point. Remember, the cold plunge is an exercise that is meant to push you mentally just as much as it does physically. Without pushing way past your limits, you should find the area of discomfort and start there.
Balancing Comfort and Challenge
There is a beautiful balance that can be found with the cold water immersion from a cold plunge. This range is going to be different for everyone and it is on you to figure this part out for yourself. Start with the ideal temperature range that has been spoken about in this blog post.
Explore the Unrivaled Cold Plunge Tubs at BlueCube
Bluecube cold plunge devices are by far the high-quality cold plunge on the market, there is a reason why their starting price is over $10,000. The high-grade chiller mixed with the exceptional flow rate of the water make this a no-brainer purchase for those who enjoy luxury, want the most out of the practice of cold plunging, or plan on starting a business.
Now just because the device is more expensive does not mean it is not directly accessible for people since you do have the option to finance the device. Lucky for our readers, when they use the code ‘GrapplersGraveyard’ they get $250 off their next purchase! Check out our review (Bluecube Review) on all the cold plunges that Bluecube has to offer to find out which one it right for you!

MYTH: Ice Bathing Gives You a Cold or Hypothermia
No, it does not give you a cold or hypothermia but you can get both of these if you do not understand the risks associated with cold plunging. Now let me back this up and say that cold plunging is completely safe for most people. Anyone who is pregnant, really old, or has underlying health conditions should probably steer clear of cold plunging till you fix what you got going on, unless you’re old, cause you can’t fix that.
Want to know how to stay safe while cold plunging? Don’t stay in a cold plunge till the point that you are shivering cold (aka don’t be in there for 30 minutes) and starting to black out. Not worth it, you’re just hurting yourself at that point.
MYTH: Only Athletes Should Do Ice Baths
Now, about a decade ago this may have been true but ice baths and cold plunges are now becoming more widely available to everyday people. While buying a cold plunge may be out of most people’s budgets there are local businesses that offer cold plunging, ice baths, or cold therapy practices like cryotherapy as a service.
Cold plunging is something that can be picked up by everyone in today’s world. As we look around, more and more people are doing all they can to live a healthy lifestyle, and recovery is a huge part of that. Find the best cold plunges that can suit you from the comfort of your home or help you start that business that you always wanted!
Find the top rated cold plunges here. In depth reviews and commentary on the best cold plunge devices on the market. Find exclusive discounts and much more.

People Also Asked
How cold is too cold for cold plunging?
Going to the lowest temperature that your cold plunge device can go to is too cold of a temperature. Be cautious before doing that and know your body.
Is 32 degree water too cold for a cold plunge?
Considering water freezes at this temperature, yes, 32°F is way too cold to plunge in. All the cold plunge devices on the market do not go to this temperature for a reason with most only being able to really reach as low as 35°F.
Is 70 degrees cold enough for a cold plunge?
No, 70 °F is not cold enough for a cold plunge. The water temperature of your cold plunge needs to be at a range that is going to challenge you without pushing way past your limits. This ideal temperature range is between 45°F and 55°F.
Is 65 degrees cold enough for a cold plunge?
No, 65 °F is not cold enough for a cold plunge. The water temperature of your cold plunge needs to be at a range that is going to challenge you without pushing way past your limits. This ideal temperature range is between 45°F and 55°F.
How Often Can I cold plunge?
Truthfully, you can cold plunge daily if you want to or even twice a day depending on how much you exercise. There is really no limit to how many times you cold plunge during the day just try to not stay in them for too long. The ideal amount of time you want to stay in a cold plunge is between 1 and 5 minutes.
Should I wear clothes in a cold plunge?
Yes, please wear clothes when you cold plunge. Don’t skinny dip in your cold plunge you nasty.
Men Wear This:
T-shirt (optional)
Women Wear This:
Bathsuit top and bottom
Athletic Shorts (an option)
Athletic shirt (and option)
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