Grapplers Graveyard


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what is weight cutting

Cut Weight Fast: What is Weight Cutting? (Combat Sports Athletes)

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Table of Contents Cutting weight is the act of lowering one’s mass in order to compete in a certain weight class at a tournament, dual, or match. Many fighters argue the viability and fairness of extreme weight cutting. No matter what your opinion is on the subject, sweat suits, severe dehydration,

Cut Weight Fast: What is Weight Cutting? (Combat Sports Athletes) Read More »

jiu jitsu an mma

Why The Rise of Jiu Jitsu and MMA is a Best Thing for the World

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Table of Contents Welcome to Grapplers Graveyard Home for Those who want the most out of life Martial arts have been practiced for thousands of years, and in recent decades, the popularity of jiu-jitsu and mixed martial arts (MMA) has skyrocketed. While some may view these combat sports as violent or

Why The Rise of Jiu Jitsu and MMA is a Best Thing for the World Read More »

judo vs. jiu jitsu

Judo vs. Jiu Jitsu: Key Differences and SIMILARITIES in the Martial Arts

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Table of Contents Judo and Jiu-jitsu are both grappling-based fighting styles that are widely popular around the world. Arguably, these are the two most famous grappling martial arts due to their popularity in the Olympics and the Rise of organizations like the UFC. Judo and BJJ are similar in the sense

Judo vs. Jiu Jitsu: Key Differences and SIMILARITIES in the Martial Arts Read More »

Wrestling and BJJ

Wrestling vs Jiu Jitsu: What’s the Difference?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Table of Contents If you are a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete looking to better understand martial arts as a whole, you must educate yourself on wrestling. All-on-the-feet grappling is rooted in wrestling. A basic understanding of wrestling training can be the difference between you winning close matches & losing close matches. But

Wrestling vs Jiu Jitsu: What’s the Difference? Read More »